CT Humanities Awards Five Sponsorships Totaling $10,000
Last month, CT Humanities awarded five sponsorships totaling $10,000. Sponsorships fund conferences, humanities-based events, and more.
Receiving sponsorships at the November deadline are:
WPKN (Bridgeport, $2,000)
Words: Born. Spoken. Lived.
Funding supports WPKN’s first dialogue and presentation of Bridgeport-based African American poets and writers at the Bijou Theatre. Inter-generational readings by Teacher of the Year Sheena Graham and Gangsta Poets are scheduled for February 17, 2023. The writers discuss the impact of their work on a range of social, economic, and political realities of life in a community plagued with poverty and violence. WPKN will broadcast and stream live a free public dialogue on February 18, 2023.
Read to Grow (Branford, $2,000)
Popcorn and PJs, a series of virtual family story times with children’s book authors and illustrators
Read to Grow’s Popcorn and PJs: Virtual Family Storytime provides families with a safe, fun, and interactive way to celebrate the magic of storytelling from the comfort of their homes. The Sponsorship enables low-income families to participate in the spring series and receive books at no cost.
CT Council of Teachers of English (Hamden, $2,000)
CT Council of Teachers of English Annual Conference
The CT Council of Teachers of English annual conference on May 21, 2023, will serve more than 100 teachers across Connecticut. This year’s conference will focus on the untold stories of Black, Brown, and Indigenous peoples.
Friends of Newtown Seniors (Newtown, $2,000)
Local Author Talks
Eight local authors (current or former residents of Newtown) will discuss their books. Titles have been selected in three humanities disciplines – History, Philosophy, and Literature.
Yellow Farmhouse Education Center (Stonington, $2,000)
Kojicon 2023: How the Past Feeds Our Future
Kojicon is an international food conference held virtually from February 20 through March 5, 2023, to explore and educate about koji, an edible mold used to ferment and preserve foods. This year’s conference will focus on historical and cultural connections to preserved and fermented foods and how these traditional foodways can inform our food future. The Sponsorship from CT Humanities allows the Yellow Farmhouse to admit Connecticut residents to Kojicon 2023 for free.
For more information about sponsorships, please visit https://cthumanities.org/sponsorships/.