Connecticut Center for the Book at Connecticut Humanities (CTH) is the state affiliate of the national Center for the Book in the Library of Congress. The Connecticut Center for the Book promotes the written and spoken word throughout the state, with programs such as Route 1 Reads, Book Voyagers, and the Connecticut Book Awards. Find resources for Authors, book lovers, writers, and more.
Book Voyagers encourages a love of literature, promotes critical thinking, and gives children the self-confidence to share their thoughts and opinions with others. Let Book Voyagers spark curiosity in your community!
In 2020 and 2021, we endeavored with our partners – CT Public, HartBeat Ensemble, Democracy and Dialogues, Connecticut Democracy Center, and Everyday Democracy – to provide frameworks for meaningful discussion around often difficult and divisive topics, instruction on civic processes and participation, and avenues that ensure access for all citizens to value and participate fully in our democracy.
This initiative supports closer connections and partnerships between the humanities and journalism in fostering an informed citizenry and a democratic society.
Through various programs developed with our partners, CT Humanities will connect our communities to the specific places, or “sites of conscience,” that highlight the legacy, relevance, and persistence of issues that have influenced our state and our nation and which continue to drive public discourse.
Connecticut Humanities helps local museums, historical societies, and other cultural organizations build professionalism and ensure their programs and collections remain vibrant community resources through StEPs-CT. This program, created with the Connecticut League of History Organizations and run in partnership with the Connecticut Historical Society, guides these institutions towards excellence in six areas of organizational practice.
In 2018, Connecticut Humanities (CTH) facilitated a statewide exploration about why people are distrustful of news, how technology is changing information consumption, and how citizens can better evaluate news sources. The aim was to engage and inform Connecticut’s citizens about the essential role journalism plays in helping us understand our world.