Keynotes of Change from the Connecticut League of History Organizations (CLHO)
A free virtual lecture series exploring and interpreting underrepresented histories
Wednesdays in June at 2 pm via Zoom
In lieu of CLHO’s regular in-person Annual Conference, and in line with their priorities for 2021, the Connecticut League of History Organizations is pleased to announce Keynotes of Change, a four-part virtual lecture series focused on interpreting several different strands of underrepresented history: Indigenous, Latino, African-American, and LGBTQ. Bringing in expert speakers from the region and beyond, CLHO hopes to support new approaches to telling Connecticut stories at museums and historic sites across the state.
All talks are free.
CLHO is pleased to offer the entire Keynotes of Change series free of charge to all who wish to attend. You may also choose to provide a $5 donation to the League when you register, to support CLHO’s ability to offer high-quality programming to our community at a low cost.
We hope you will join us in June for this exciting lineup of speakers. |