- PRESS RELEASE: Governor Lamont Announces Return of Program Allowing Children To Receive Free Admission at Connecticut Museums During the Summer (click for more)
We are thrilled that the CT Summer at the Museum program has once again been funded for 2023! This is an incredible commitment that provides valuable enrichment for CT children at no cost at over 130 of our state’s exciting humanities-focused sites, including zoos and aquariums, historical sites, science and nature centers, farms and gardens, arts and cultural centers, and much more.
The program runs July 1-Sept. 4. Click here for the full list of participating organizations and additional details.
Connecticut Humanities is proud to administer this program and extends thanks to officials and agencies supporting the continuation of this funding: Governor Ned Lamont and the Connecticut Legislature, Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development‘s CT Office of the Arts, Connecticut State Department of Education, Connecticut Office of Early Childhood, and the Connecticut Office of Tourism/Visit Connecticut.