At the July deadline, CT Humanities awarded five sponsorships totaling $13,000. Sponsorships are intended for events, conferences, scholarships, awards, and more.
Receiving sponsorships at the July deadline are:
Connecticut Public (Hartford, $2,500)
CT Votes 2022
This Fall, Connecticut Public, in partnership with the League of Women Voters of CT, presents CT Votes 2022, a series of 8 debates during September and October, leading up to the November elections. Debates are free, open to the public, and will be broadcast live on CPTV, WNPR,,, Facebook and also be a limited podcast series. Debate dates: Secretary of State: Sept. 15; Congressional Districts: Sept. 22 and 29, Oct. 6, 13 and 20; Senate: Oct. 25; Governor: Oct. 27.
Artspace (New Haven, $2,000)
Open Source Arts Festival 2022
Running October 21 through 30, 2022, Open Source Art Festival programs include artist talks, walking tours, and facilitated conversations at their Haven Studios and Neighborhood Platforms.
Vernon Historical Society (Vernon, $500)
What Makes Connecticut, Connecticut – A Musical Review of Connecticut History and Culture
At VHS’s membership meeting on Oct. 16, 2022, the Band of Steady Habits, a group of musical history “buffs,” led by former CT State Historian, Walter Woodward, will present What Makes Connecticut, Connecticut. This musical review of CT’s history and culture is supplemented by photos of iconic CT locations and treasures taken by acclaimed documentary photographer Carol M. Highsmith. The program is free, and members and nonmembers are welcome.
Windham Region Chamber of Commerce Foundation (Willimantic, $3,000)
Spooktober is a month-long collaboration between local museums and cultural organizations that present interesting, fun, and educational programs about Eastern CT. The spooky theme will appeal to audiences of all ages.
New England Museum Association (NEMA) (Arlington, MA, $5,000)
2022 Conference – Micro/Macro: Solving Museum Issues at Every Scale
Since 1918, the NEMA Conference has been the regional museum field’s annual convening for professional development, vital information, and networking. This year’s conference is November 2 to 4 in Springfield, Massachusetts. The conference theme, Micro/Macro: Solving Museum Issues at Every Scale, acknowledges the need for museum professionals to address current societal issues while at the same time maintaining focus on the fundamentals of running a museum. The sponsorship from CT Humanities helps make attending the event more accessible for members of Connecticut’s museum community.
For more information about sponsorships please visit: