At its recent August meeting, CT Humanities’ (CTH) board adopted new funding priority language that went into effect for its CT Humanities Fund grant lines on September 1, 2021:
Connecticut Humanities gives priority to projects that include significant humanities scholarship and content, explore topics and stories in an inclusive, diverse, and equitable manner, and do one or more of the following:
- Engage individuals and communities in the exploration of contemporary issues,
- Advance creativity and demonstrate ingenuity and innovation,
- Present accessible content that provokes, challenges, educates, and inspires,
- Ensure access to the project’s content and scholarship beyond the length of the grant,
- Foster collaboration among organizations, groups, and communities.
“It is vital that we come together to meet the challenges of our times in ways that acknowledge and nurture the wisdom that exists in our state’s communities,” explains Dr. Jason Mancini, executive director at CT Humanities. “Through grant funding, CTH calls upon organizations to expand access for diverse stories to be told and shared and to connect more of CT’s residents to the opportunities for dialog, engagement, and the deeper understanding of self and society that humanities scholarship presents.”
With a recently completed strategic plan and revised organizational mission, CTH wants to be sure their granting programs help the humanities sector strengthen communities and enhance the quality of life for all of Connecticut’s residents.
“We need to not only meet the moment in which we find ourselves but support organizations as they take us into a shared future,” states Mancini.
View the September 17, 2021, CLHO Colleague Circle with CTH to learn more about CTH’s new funding priorities.