Overview of Grants at CT Humanities

Connecticut Humanities grants have supported a variety of projects and organizations for more than four decades. Since 1995, the Connecticut General Assembly has provided funding to Connecticut Humanities to deliver “…grants and support services for institutions in the humanities, including but not limited to libraries, museums and historical and cultural societies and associations.”

CT Humanities offers a wide variety of grant lines to support strong humanities projects and the institutions that offer them. See the chart below to learn more about what grant line is the best fit for your organization’s needs.

To view CT Humanities’ funding priorities, click here. For information on the grant application process, click here.

For an introduction to our grants, view this 2023 webinar.


To apply for the grants described in the chart below, your organization must be one of the following:

  • A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization incorporated in the state of Connecticut for at least one year and governed by a board of directors that meets regularly
  • A municipality in the state of Connecticut
  • A Connecticut-based federally or State recognized tribe

Which grant line is right for your project?

For mobile users, download a PDF of this chart here.

Grant Line Sample Types of Projects Award Size Project Duration Matching Requirements Application Deadlines Earliest Start Date for Project
Quick Grants
  • Exhibitions
  • Discussion-based public programs
  • Local history tours
  • Community reading projects
$250-$4,999 12 months Minimum 1:1 match (can be any combination of external, grantee cash, or in-kind contributions) First Friday of February, May, August, November Month after deadline
Planning Grants
  • Research and planning for exhibitions
  • Planning for public programs
  • Planning for interpretive digital media projects
$5,000-$25,000 18 months Minimum 1:1 match (can be any combination of external, grantee cash, or in-kind contributions) First Friday of November, May January 1 / July 1
Implementation Grants
  • Exhibitions
  • Public programs
  • Interpretive digital media projects
$5,000-$35,000 24 months
  • Minimum 1:1 match
  • 25% of minimum match required must be from external funds for requests under $25,000
  • 50% of minimum match required must be from external funds for requests between $25,000-$35,000
First Friday of November, May January 1 / July 1
Capacity Grants
  • Strategic planning
  • Audience assessments
  • Technology assessments and planning
  • Other types of consultant-led assessments and plans
$1,500-$9,999 12 months Minimum 1:1 match (can be any combination of external, grantee cash, or in-kind contributions) First Friday of November, May January 1 / July 1

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