Grant Spotlight: Ancient Burying Ground Association | Preserving Grave Markers in Historic Cemeteries Lecture
April 27, 2022 • CTH Funded, Programs

Saturday, May 21, 2 to 3:00 pm
In-person Lecture
Free; registration requested

Location: Hartford History Center, Hartford Public Library, 500 Main Street, Hartford

Funded in part by a $3,890 August Quick Grant, the Ancient Burying Ground Association presents a program series that invites historians, genealogists, and conservators to present fresh stories about the complexity and connections between individuals interred in the Ancient Burying Ground and present-day residents.

To celebrate Historic Preservation Month in May, the ABGA presents an in-person lecture by the state’s foremost outdoor sculpture conservator, Francis Miller of Conserve Art, LLC, on the preservation of historic gravestones in historic cemeteries. Whether brownstone, marble or slate, gravestones all experience the effects of pollution, harsh weather and vandalism. Mr. Miller will show examples from around the state and explain techniques that do not damage the stones.


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