Granting Program:
July 1, 2019 to January, 31, 2022
Grantmaking Supported by the State of Connecticut
CT Humanities Fund | 190 Grants | $1,711,695
Quick, Partnership (FY20 + 21), Planning, Implementation, and Capacity Grants
Funding provided by the CT General Assembly
COVID Fund for Museums | 50 Grants | $1.5M
Supported 50 larger non-profit museums in the state recover from impact of COVID-19
Funded by DECD/Connecticut Office of the Arts with support allocated to the State of Connecticut through the CARES Act
CT Summer at the Museum | $15M Total Awarded*
(*$327,067.86 in 18 grants via CTH/Remaining via CT Office of the Arts)
Summer 2021 – Kids + an Adult, Free at Museums
Partnership: CT Humanities and CT Office of the Arts
DECD/Office of the Arts, in partnership with the Office of the Governor, CT Dept. Of Education, Office of Early Childhood and CT Humanities, delivered these financially accessible summer enrichment opportunities to families and children of all ages using funding provided through American Rescue Plan Act, 2021 Emergency and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund
CT Cultural Fund Operating Support Grants | 632 Grants | $16,109,800
Partnership between CT Humanities and CT Office of the Arts
Designed to help the state’s museums, cultural, humanities, and arts organizations maintain and grow their ability to serve their community and the public, connect K-12 teachers and students to strong humanities and arts content, and improve their information technology and digital infrastructure.
Funding provided by DECD/Connecticut Office of the Arts from the Connecticut State Legislature
CT Cultural Fund Supported Partnership Grants | 14 Partnership Grants | $3M
Funding includes 8 Arts Designated Regional Service Organizations, CT Arts Alliance, CT League of History Organizations, CT Democracy Center, International Festival of Arts & Ideas, CT Council for the Social Studies, CT Cultural Heritage Arts Program
Funding provided by DECD/Connecticut Office of the Arts from the Connecticut State Legislature
Grantmaking Supported by Federal Funding
CARES Act Humanities Relief Grants | 70 Grants | $478,467
Rapid-Response to nonprofit humanities and cultural organizations
Funded by the CARES Act via the National Endowment for the Humanities
SHARP Capacity Grants | 77 Grants | $720,192
Designed to assist humanities organizations and other cultural institutions respond to and recover from the coronavirus pandemic and improve their ability to thrive and serve their communities now and in the future.
Funding provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities through the federal American Rescue Plan Act, 2021
Grantmaking Supported by Other Foundations
CT Humanities Cultural Relief Grants |17 Grants | $85,000
Partnership between CT Humanities and CT Office of the Arts
Funding to cultural organizations that continued to provide arts and humanities programs and services while facing financial hardship resulting from COVID-19. These organizations demonstrated their commitment to advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) work in their mission and operations, and commitment to the Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) community.
Funded by Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority (CHEFA)