Fast-talking, warm-hearted, and endlessly rewatchable, Gilmore Girls has bonded real-life mothers and daughters since 2000, when its iconic pilot introduced us to Lorelai, Rory, and their idyllic Connecticut town of Stars Hollow. More than twenty years later, it has become one of the most-streamed TV shows, ever.
To celebrate the 20-year anniversary of this iconic show, the Connecticut Museum is partnering with River Bend Bookshop to present an evening with bestselling author Ann Hood, the editor of a new anthology, Life’s Short, Talk Fast: Fifteen Writers on Why We Can’t Stop Watching the Gilmore Girls. Ann will be joined by fellow authors Michael Ruhlman, Tracey Minken, and Rand Richards Coopers, one of the essayists in the collection. Join us for a discussion about exactly what the essays ask: why can’t we stop watching this show?
Before the author discussion, come to the Museum early to view our newest exhibition, Coffee: A Connecticut Story and then hang out for some Gilmore Girls trivia, themed treats, and more! Copies of the book will be available for purchase and signing.
$15 General Admission ($5 discount for Connecticut Museum Members, free for Connecticut Museum members at the NARM level)$27.99 Book Bundle — includes admission for one guest plus a copy of Life’s Short, Talk Fast: Fifteen Writers on Why We Can’t Stop Watching the Gilmore Girls